Being able to have the data of the real estate properties of the agency, in different systems and in real time, is one of the basic needs of real estate companies.
The single real estate database (BDUI) is a project that allows real estate data to be communicated in real time between agencies that have given each other permission.
We also offer the use of a
WordPress plugin to connect to BDUI
and publish in a web based on this CMS, the shared properties, both from the capturing agency and from collaborating agencies.
If you want to use XML files for sending and/or receiving real estate data, we indicate the recommended structure on the page“Export/Import of real estate data“.
Fill out the form indicating your interest in “Real Estate Data Connection”.
All our services
Real estate management | Real estate websites | Real estate marketing | Real estate portals | Online marketing plan | Inbound marketing | Real estate blog | Content curator | Social networks | Social media marketing | Search engine marketing | Data connection | Real estate data integration | Real estate data integration
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